衝撃的な睡眠統計と睡眠障害 2023 ( ハイブリッドマットレス )
衝撃的な睡眠統計と睡眠障害 2023  ( ハイブリッドマットレス )

長い一日の仕事の後, 誰もが睡眠によって若返る必要がある. 通常の睡眠サイクルでは, 大人が普通に経験する 4-6 sleep cycles per night.

レム睡眠, どれが原因となるか 20-25% 健康な成人の総睡眠時間の割合, 夜間に数回起こる正常な睡眠段階です. この間, 音や突然の現象を伴う夢のような行動を経験することがあります。, 腕や足の激しい動き. このブログでは, 水龍, the expert of hybrid mattress, 睡眠障害を教えてくれる.

Sleep deprivation statistics

According to statistics, アメリカ人全体のほぼ半数が日中に眠気を感じると反応している 3-7 週あたりの日数. 35.2% 私たちの. 大人, report less than 7 一晩の睡眠時間. で 2017-2018, 32.6 % の勤労成人の睡眠時間は次のとおりです 6 一晩あたりの時間数, から上がって 28.4% で 2008-2009 (CDC).

大人が必要とする一方で、 7-9 時間of sleep per night, ティーンエイジャーが必要とする 9-10 睡眠時間, そして先輩たちも 65 歳が必要 7-8 時間. そう, ほとんどの人は睡眠不足というひどい状態にあります.

Lack of sleep forperiodscan affect one's immune system. それは睡眠中だからです, 免疫系はサイトカインと呼ばれるタンパク質を放出します. 夜の睡眠を促進するのに役立ちます. 睡眠不足が続くと肥満のリスクも高まります, 糖尿病, および心血管疾患.

Statistics of sleep disorders

A sleep disorder is a condition that causes changes in the way you sleep. It may affect your physical health,safety, and quality of life. Some associated signs and symptoms include excessive daytime sleepiness, irregular breathing, or excessive movement during sleep.

If you want to know more about how to solve the lack of sleep problem, you can read our blog for more details: Hybrid mattress helps you solve the lack of sleep.

Statistics show that 10%-30% of adults have chronic insomnia and 30%-48% of older adults suffer.

Statistics on sleep disruption

Most normal sleep cycles in adults will last 90-120 minutes. If you wake up three to four times during an 8-hour sleep, with each awakening lasting about 1 minute, then this is a normal sleep cycle. でも, if you accumulate up to 30 minutes of wakefulness during 8 睡眠時間, then you have experienced what experts call a sleep disruption.

For adults over 40,69% of men and 76% of women get up at least once a night to go to the bathroom.

Statistics on sleep and mental health

Research has shown that the relationship between sleep and mental health is complex. Many mental illnesses are caused by unhealthy sleep. Sleep problems can lead to changes in mental health, but mental health can also worsensleep problems. Statistics show that 40% of people with insomnia are also affected by mental health disorders, with 75% of adults who suffer from depression also suffering from insomnia.

Just one night of tossing and turning without being able to fall asleep. You will understand the devastating effects of sleep deprivation. The main one is the adverse effect on your mood. This includes increased irritability and anger,and you may even have difficulty coping with daily life’s minor stresses.

The relationship between sleep and anxiety goes both ways. People who suffer from anxiety disorders tend to experience more sleep disturbances. But at the same time sleep deprivation can also lead to anxiety. When you are plagued by chronic sleep disorders, it becomes more difficult to try to relieve anxiety at the same time. したがって, lack of sleep can make the symptoms of anxiety worse. また,anxiety can increase the likelihood of sleep disorders.

そう,if improving sleep can improve mental health, then improving mental health can also improve sleep.

Tips for sleep

To relieve this symptom. In addition to seeking the help of a medical professional, you can take the following steps on your own.

Limit your daytime naps: A daily nap of 20-30 minutes can help you feel more alert without interfering with your nighttime sleep

Establish a nightly sleep routine:

  1. Stick to a set of habits that will help you rest each night.
  2. Take a bath, read a book or meditate for a few minutes to calm your body.
  3. Repeat these routines each night to help you settle into a sleepy mood.

Avoid caffeine or stimulants close to bedtime: Consuming coffee, soda or other caffeinated products in the late afternoon or evening may make it difficult for you to fall asleep.


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