Kumaha kasur hibrid tiasa ningkatkeun kualitas naps
Kumaha kasur hibrid tiasa ningkatkeun kualitas naps

Sateuacan ngobrol ngeunaan kumaha carana ningkatkeun kualitas napping dina kasur hibrid, urang maham heula elmu sareupna.

Saré nyaéta cara awak pikeun ngareuah-reuah. Biasana istirahat wengi sareng hudang isuk-isuk. Aya bagéan tina populasi, kumaha oge, nu milih nyandak sare sanggeus dahar beurang, whis mangrupakeun budaya napping.

Sanajan kitu, teu sakabeh budaya di sakabeh wewengkon di dunya biasa nyandak sare. Dina skala badag, eta utamana dibagi kana bunderan Tengah jeung bunderan budaya Cina.

Penjelasan Lingkaran Tengah ngeunaan cinta napping:

  • Éta mangrupikeun kabiasaan alami pikeun ngirangan leungitna fisik supados kabur tina waktos anu paling panas dina panas Éropa kidul., saré nyaéta kabiasaan anu terus-terusan ti jaman Romawi nepi ka ayeuna. Dina basa Spanyol, asalna tina kecap Latin pikeun jam kagenep, jadi Roma kuno bakal eureun dahar jeung bersantai saeutik dina jam kagenep poé. waktos ieu sabudeureun 1:00 ka 3:00 pm.

  • Anu sanésna nyaéta yén urang Spanyol bakal damel dua période sadinten, kahiji ti 9 a.m. ka 2 p.m., dituturkeun ku istirahat dua jam lajeng ti 4 p.m. ka 8 p.m.

Chinese cultural circle on the interpretation of nap culture

  • The first is the culture of Chinese medicine, 11:00 p.m. ka 1:00 a.m., jeung 11:00 p.m. ka 1:00 p.m. are the hours of alternating yin and yang. Both of these times are best for the body.

  • The second is the diet. The staple food in East Asia is rice, and traditionally it is also believed that we should eat enough at noon. So we often consume a lot of sugar at noon, so that the blood sugar level will rise rapidly, and then we will become drowsy when we enter into reactive hypoglycemia symptoms.

Sleep carries multiple meanings and ideologies," said a professor of modern Japanese sociology at Cambridge University in a study.

One of the biphasic sleep can explain the napping culture. Biphasic sleep is the setting of another period of rest in addition to the night. Areas represented are: most Mediterranean countries (Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal) and Latin American countries influenced by Spanish culture (Mexico), Asia Tenggara. Americans usually prefer to refresh themselves with a bath rather than a nap. Diet-wise, the impact on blood sugar is not high because of the generally low proportion of carbohydrates in lunch. In terms of climate, southern European countries have warm climates, and napping reduces the amount of physical energy consumed, independent of whether or not you get enough sleep at night.

Napping can make a person healthier and also help study. It can increase efficiency and also restore strength to increase productivity. A proper nap allows the body and mind to relax effectively and eliminate fatigue. The recommended nap break is 20 ka 30 minutes. This is the ideal time to reduce drowsiness, increase alertness, and improve cognitive function, reaction time and mood. Salaku tambahan, napping is also beneficial for lowering blood pressure and helping the heart.

Compared to people who do not nap, nappers will be more productive in the afternoon and more stable. But don't get hung up on whether you can "fall asleep" or not. The goal of the lunch break is to relax your mind and body. There is no need to force a sense of sleep.

So we should need to have quality naps, and a hybrid mattress is a good choice. Recommended Suilong 11 Inch Gel Memory Foam And Pocket Innerspring Hybrid Mattress.

The memory foam in this kasur hibrid will conform to the contours of your body for personalized support, while the pocketed built-in spring coils absorb moving motion to create an undisturbed sleeping surface. The memory foam layer supports your body and prevents any uncomfortable pressure points, while the built-in spring coil system helps air circulation to keep you cool during naps. It also provides a medium-firm feel for all types of pillows. It's also versatile enough to accommodate a variety of sleep styles, meaning you can feel comfortable no matter where you are in bed, giving you freedom of napping position. Since I sleep in many positions, I would like to give credit to this kasur hibrid on this point. If you want to know more about this hybrid mattress , you can check it out at suilong.

Notes on napping

  • Napping time should not be too long, about half an hour is best.

  • Naps are best taken half an hour after a meal to reduce the damage to the stomach and intestines.

  • Not everyone is suitable for napping. People who are in good health as well as those who get enough sleep at night do not need to take a nap. People with low blood pressure as well as serious disorders of the circulatory system are also not suitable for napping.

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Ngobrol sareng Gracie
parantos 1902 pesen

  • Gracie 10:12 AM, Dinten ayeuna
    Halo, wilujeng sumping di SuiLong! Kumaha carana urang ngabantosan anjeun?